9,949 views Nov 7, 2019
Hey y’all sex traffic has ALWAYS been issue but lately in metro Atlanta more women are coming up missing! Please be very cautious in ALL public places they could be lurking ANYWHERE..The usually target women and children but our men gota watch out too cause they selling our organs also.
After journeying through a narrow pass, @MarsCuriosity has arrived at a long-sought region of Mt. Sharp enriched with salty minerals – tantalizing clues as to how the Red Planet’s climate changed from being more Earth-like to the frozen desert it is today.
Hi my name is Thaka, I was kidnapped when I was 3 years old and you know me as Rashard, Iman, Shaadi, Tuck, Lover, MooNLoVER. My family vanished. DFCS is involved and I dont know what to do… Some of you know Muna is a live and Erika and Coral and Sartu and Kelela and that they are all in sex trafficking and I need help desparately to get my family together and its hard to stay online… The sex traffickers stole my adapters again and im not healthy electronically. I need to seee my family# Thaka’s Graffiti under “LOVER”… Im in los angeles, I need help getting basic resources and contact with my family… Muna is Muni long Erika is Latto and Sartu is Normani After their kidnappings my life fell apart and I am in desparate need to figure out something. I am being suppressed at every angle, they are sexTrafficked in the pornography world and have no access to untapped electronics and I am severly neglected. The sextraffickers blackballed me from corporate and family services like CPS and DFACs PLEASE help muni long, erika, ashanti, kelelam, heather, coral, or Sartu see this
Digital Inclusion Week is an annual campaign to bring attention to the need for digital equity in our communities. The library is committed to helping bridge the digital divide by providing resources and access to technology year-round. We provide internet access and computers for public use at all 73 library locations, lend a variety of technology items through our Tech2go program, and offer digital literacy classes for all age groups and skill levels.
My question is how inclusive is it? They know there is a poplation of really mentally healthy people in LosAngeles that need unlimited access to fast, stable and uncensored internet. They dont let me listen to much music and they remove alot of TV_SERiES and MoViEs and alter search results. My Cellphone Erika_and_Akire got me has unlimited uncensored internet but the screen is small. The cyberrnaughts arae so mean about one hour on the computer like we are children with porn issues. They shoot pornography in the local libraries which shows Los Angeles has no desire to cultivate a healthy environment for healthy all acess learning. Its really gross. Not to mention the glances of my wife’s porn when the useless ass jons want to flex “I had sed witchoWiYFE” Im censored and they are not. Sometime songs I recently learned vanish. They are telepathic and say crazy shit all the time if you know the language to ##channel_them… But GUESS WHAT?!?! Im online and im keeping a web presence for my family up with their help…
Im not allowed to use the creative lab
Because “hes not doing anything creative, he just posts on the internet” and then security escorted me out. They do all they can to keep me from healing from my family’s loss. They are just this group of objects passed around for exotically-Bizzare peoples strange-ass sexual prefernces.,.. and they dont get paid. I wonder what the ##children are going through
The people that run that lab dont want you… I still dont know what the qualifications are. When building a web application it takes a lot of focus time which they dont allow. They dont get shit. I asked for a job but Im ignored
Hole To Another Universe
One day my blog will RETURN true when run from the command line!
hey babe, you ever experiance ~>
Virtual mobbing
takes place when a number of individuals use social media or messaging to make comments to or about another individual, usually because they are opposed to that person’s opinions. The volume of messages may amount to a campaign of harassment.
Cyber-Mobbing: A New Form of Cyberbullying Affecting Teens
Hole To Another Universe
One day my blog will RETURN true when run from the command line!
Normani_aka_Saa2 created this design_based_on_our_shared_religious_experiance. PHOTOSHOP CC,AVANT_GUARD_BOLD, and Love of our kidnapped Sister and Wife Erika and Daughter Coral
We must adopt the Abolition Model of law (also called the Equality Model or Nordic Model) to reduce demand by punishing sex buyers—NOT those who are sold for sex. It offers protection and social services to those being sold, as well.
This approach dramatically reduces demand for prostitution and puts pimps and traffickers out of business. Stopping the demand is the key to abolition.
Marriage is one of the most important rituals in Oromo culture. The custom of marriage differs in various parts of the world and every civilization produces a marriage pattern appropriate to itself (Ludlow, 1965, cited in Gemechu & Assefa., 2006). Among the Oromo society also the type, name and ceremonies differ to some degree from place to place. Generally, there are three types of marriage among the Oormo.
Brief piece by Tigist Geme*.
Marriage is one of the most important rituals in Oromo culture. The custom of marriage differs in various parts of the world and every civilization produces a marriage pattern appropriate to itself (Ludlow, 1965, cited in Gemechu & Assefa., 2006). Among the Oromo society also the type, name and ceremonies differ to some degree from place to place. Generally, there are three types of marriage among the Oromo.
a) Formal marriage
This type of marriage has different names in different parts of Oromia: ‘kadhaa’ (Nuro,1989), or fuudha baal-tokkee (Hussen 2000) around Arsi, ‘cida’ (Lemmesa, 2007) around Showa, and ‘Naqataa’ (Gemetchu & Assefa, 2006) in Wallaga. ‘Kadhaa’ or ‘naqataa’ is the most typical and prevalent form of marriage where the ceremony starts at the moment when marriage is first thought of and even continues after the marriage is concluded (Gemetchu & Assefa, 2006).
Traditionally, it is arranged by family and before the match takes place, they make sure that the girl’s family does not have members who are lepers, chawa-clan, crafts men such as tanner, potter etc. The groom’s parents research back seven generations to make sure that the families are not related by blood, to avoid haraamuu or incest taboo. Once this has been done, the boy’s parents then make contact with the girl’s parents through a mediator. The girl’s parents often impose conditions and the mediator will take the message to the boys parents. When the parents have reached an agreement, the man and woman get engaged (betrothed). The parent then set a wedding date and they meet all the wedding expenses (Nuro,1989, Gemechu & Assefa 2006).
b) Informal Marriage
i) Hawwii
According to Gemechu & Assefa (2006), this mode of marriage occurs when the boy happens to remain qeerroo (bachelor) for several reasons. Either because he is not handsome, or he is from a family of low social status, and therefore cannot pay the dowry. The boy has no consent of the family of the girl to wait long and to meet the financial and social demands of the girl’s parents. Sometimes, the girl’s mother is involved in arranging marriage of her daughter through hawwee. It is common among poor people. Youngsters resort to this kind of marriage after a lot of period of courtship that the boy approaches whom he thinks can keep secret to act on a go-between. There are places where the boy and the girl with their company can mostly wait each other. She signs an agreement saying that she was not taken against her will and she will be taken to one of the boy’s relatives until his parent prepares feast for marriage (Gemechu & Assefa2006, Nuro,1989), and that her parents are solemnly informed about her safety by elders.
ii) Buttaa/Butii
This type of marriage takes of the following two forms. The first is when the girl has consented she is induced to be abducted. The second is accomplished by compulsion without any prior knowledge of the abduction (unlike the first form) on the part of the girl (Gemechu & Assefa, 2006).
As Gemechu and Assefa point it out in their co-authored article on the Western Macca Oromo Marriage Style, marriage by abduction is taken as option when:
1) a boy falls in love and she is not aware at all.
2) a girl’s parent is affriad that their daoughter might agree to the proposed marriage,they consprice with the would be husband to take her by force.
3) a girl’s parent are unwilling to agree to the proposed marriage, abduction would be resorted by boy’s family to show that they have a power to take her by force evenif her parents refused (Gemechu & Assefa, 2006; Nuro, 1989).
This informal marriage was also observable among the Salale before the government intervention and the customary law became renewed in a way committed to preserving women’s right and security.
iii) Aseennaa
This type of marriage employs peaceful, but cunning means. According to Nuro (1989), when a girl could not get anybody who seeks her hand in marriage because she may be an ugly or her parent has an evil eye “as said to be” by the society, she chooses anyone whom she thinks would marry her. And she directly goes to his parent’s house. Gemechu & Assefa (2006) also explained that, for a women to remain unmarried into her twenties is incomprehensible, though, she must go beyond herself, called aseennaa. Therefore, when a girl is left unmarried or when her father wants to give her to some one whom she does not like, she chooses unmarried young man and runs a way to his house withought the knoweledge of the man mostly in the evening.
iv) Conditional marriage
This type of marriage depends on the occurrence of certain incidents.
a) Dhaala
Dhaala is a type of marriage between a women and a brother of a deceased husband or levirate (Gemechu & Assefa 2006). Among such a patrilineal community where marriage secures children to perpetuate the father’s line, it is usual for widow to be inherited by a brother of a deceased husband (Nuro,1989).
b) Mambeeto (manbeeto)
Its conditionality is the death of one’s wife. The younger sister or relative of the late wife would be given to the widower as soon as the first wife dies (Nuro, 1989). It is known as manbeeto or mambeeto among Arsi. Among the Oromo of Tulama and Macca it is known as hirpha, literally, to ‘compensate’.
*Tigist Geme is formerly a lecturer at Addis Ababa University. This article is an excerpt from her thesis titled “Themes and Patterns of Traditional Oromo Marriage Counseling” </p>
Since my family got kidnapped I have had to cope with messages and threats
from of the prostitution crews of LOS_ANGELES_and_ATLANTA they all operate
here ya know… ##GLOBAL_SEX_SLAVE_TRADE_and_TOURiSM hint hint. The thing now
that 2 years nearly have passed… No one talks to me, Im destitute and I get
random glimpses of my wives and our chldren on the street. The Main 3 I have
spotted in prostitution aka SexSlavery. Ive lived with them
SARTU_ERiKA_and_MUNA_aka_MUNi and I know their sexuality they are not
prostitutes. I hate getting notices from random creepy people that you are not
going to get your family back and may lose your penis. The agression is awful
and now that I have lived here a while and know what my wives orgasm patterns
look like in the real world… I know whos raping them
PiNTEREST LocksOutFATHERS It has been over
two weeks since I have logged in. I found Sartu, my kidnapped wife from
Ethiopia via ##ALPHARETTA. The previous time I found her she exclaimed "That's
My Husband!!", and the captors refused to let her go. Im at a point in my life
where I have gathered my life partners. The truth is that is too much power. I
went to ##DANCE411 in Atlanta for sometime between parenting, working as a
##DevOps_ENGiNEER, and ##JiUJiTSU. A group of women that are blowing up the
RnB Chitlin_Circuit of today chose me as their dance husband... My from my
understanding 4th cousin Muna and 8th cousin Sartu from ##ETHiO_SOMOLiA and
about 10 other women decided we would start a business to support our artistic
endevors and care for our children. They were all kidnapped with our children
and sold into a ##PROSTiTUTION_MARKET_in_SOUTHERN_CALiFORNiA... As their
husband I am blackballed from most work and denied sex... My wives are raped
or punched in the face if they show me amorous attention, so we keep safe
distace. We are from East Africa and our tribe was documented in
NaTionaLGeoGRAPHiCwhen a
reader responed in a letter to
this article about telepathic experiances in Ethiopia, the reader was sent
to to research this telepathic tribe in south america.. If I remember
We have relationships outdoors, but the pimps rape them systematically for use
in a global ##SEX_TOURiSM_TRADE. The Human traffickers stole and steal
everything I reaccquire to get on the internet. And when I travel to use
computers at local librays in #LOS_ANGELES_COUNTY, I am severely stalked,
attacked, poisoned with chemical weapons and randomly aharrassed. I was using
pinterest to serve up internet content for our large families spiritual needs.
Those of us from
Africa are Muslims, and we had a semi-healthy stint with Jehovahs Witnesses. So we are a very
spiritually minded family. However many of the pimps are anti god that we are
dealing with... People on the late night show and everything are involved.
Long story short.. Pinterest was our watering hole. I could post content
bulletin board #style, and interact with my wives and children in passing as
we wait for my old job JPL to step in the CIA/FBi/US_MARSHALLS and other
services in law enforcement has helped us contact since Erikas dissapearance
was taken in by the ##DEKALB_COUNTY_SHRIFFs office and they told me to post
constantly to stay visible... People dissapear when the dont post in this era
My name is Thaka, you may know me as Rashard, Tuck, or Shaadi. I am an open polygamist. Rooster of a small crew of dancers, hackers and diplomats. I love my life, I love my wife(vz) and seek to keep them healthy on the internet as human traffickers do thier best to silence them and annialate the population of free women explicitly denying them the right to choose thier own partner